is a gentle cleanser that is designed to thoroughly clean away any dirt, bacteria, salt or chlorine from wetsuits without damaging the neoprene.
Wet suits are made from Neoprene [which is a Dupont trademark, so really, no wetsuits are made from actual Neoprene], and this guide will teach you how to use wetsuit wash to clean your wetsuit. The Neoprene trademark is representative of the two materials that make up wetsuits: the inside material is a foamed-rubber known a Polychloroprene which is then sandwiched between the outside material: Elastane [trademarks for this material include Lycra and Spandex].
The final product offers immense stretch, thermal protection and memory but, depending on density of the Polychloroprene, can be chemically fragile. This means regular household soaps and cleaners are often far too harsh for neoprene and can cause it to dry out, become brittle and cease functioning.